101 photos, printed in very high quality in 6×6 format, available for one week only: this is the principle of Magnum Square Print Sale. A way for the mythical photographic agency founded in 1947 in New York to make art prints of the work of its greatest members accessible.
What emerges from these selections, apart from a unique and aesthetic vision of our world? That photographers love horses. Whether in the foreground or lost in the background, wild or docile, equines can be found in every edition of the Magnum agency operation.
No time to lose: the Magnum Square Print Sale, around the theme « vital signs », is open online from 17 to 23 April, 23:59 EDC. For you, Equi Book selected the pictures with horses. Here they are!
101 photos, imprimées en très haute qualité au format 6×6, disponibles pour une semaine seulement: c’est le principe de la Square Print Sale de Magnum. Une manière pour la mythique agence photographique fondée en 1947 à New York de rendre accessible des tirages d’art du travail de ses plus grands membres.
Ce qui ressort de ces sélections, outre une vision unique et esthétique de notre monde? Que les photographes aiment les chevaux. Au premier plan ou perdus dans le décor, sauvages ou dociles, on retrouve des équidés à chaque édition de cette opération de l’agence Magnum.
Pas de temps à perdre: la Magnum Square Print Sale, consacrée à la thématique « Vital Signs », est ouverte en ligne du 17 au 23 avril, 23h59 EDC. Pour vous faciliter les choses, Equi Book a sélectionné les clichés comportant des chevaux. Les voici!
David Hurn
Head of the Valleys. Wales, 2014
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“My father and his forebearers were all born and lived in Wales. By a quirk of timing I was born in England. Although quickly reinstated to our South Wales family home, the spectre of ‘born in England’ has permanently hung over me. The exploration of this dichotomy has been a driving stimulation in trying to understand my culture. I have wanted to discover my place in Wales and explore my contact with my fellow Welsh.
“If one examines life, then one should follow the argument wherever it leads. My tool is photography and the nature of photography is that, as you work, you continually record a world that has gone forever yet continuously see the new unfold in front of you.
“The old and the new are in uninterrupted contrast. My exploration is personal, thus many aspects have been ignored. What is passed over is mainly through lack of time and space. All vision has been inspired by love and, one hopes, directed by intelligence. My own truth is my ultimate criterion. Intensity of attention and the search for beauty are how to find it.” – David Hurn
Ian Berry
Horses that pull calèches being washed in the Nile in the early morning. Edfu, Egypt, 2006.
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“I was wandering along the banks of the Nile near Edfu looking for pictures for my upcoming book on water. I was mainly interested in the dhows loading and unloading but came across a couple of guys washing down their horses.
“Looking to make a shape with emphasis on the guy in the water, I had the good fortune that one of the horses reared up and made what would otherwise have been a fairly banal picture into a pretty good shape. Proves that being prepared always pays off.” – Ian Berry
Zied Ben Romdhane
Kalaat Senan, Le Kef, Tunisia, 2022
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“The Jérissa open-pit iron mine, according to legend, would have provided the raw materials needed to build the Eiffel Tower and the rails of the Paris Metro. Today, the villages are empty. The youth go to the capital to look for work, and the bravest work in the cactus fields — the only agriculture possible in an arid land.” – Zied Ben Romdhane
Find all the pictures of the Magnum Square Print Sale here